12 vorbe de duh de la Nick Vujicic

by Andreea

Nick Vujicic a vorbit, pe 11 aprilie, la Universitatea Româno-Americană. A fost cea de-a doua lui prezenţă în România. Poză de aici.

Nick a povestit multe aseară, însă câteva dintre lucrurile pe care le-a spus mi s-au părut atât de frumoase că le-am notat să le scriu aici, să vă inspiraţi din ele.

“Many are too busy making a house, but not a home.”

“If you put happiness in temporary things, your happiness will be temporary.”

“So many beautiful things happen from broken pieces.”

“F.A.I.T.H. = Full Assurance In The Heart”

“I wanted to think I have a higher purpose, but I didn’t know where to look.”

“Hope has to bea real.”

“I’m under construction, I’m far from perfect.”

“I can get away with little when I do bad things. Noone is gonna handcuff me.” 😀

“If you want patience, you have to practice patience. So you are put into situations that test that skill. Queus for example.”

“You don’t know what’s around the corner until you go around the corner.”

“How much is enough to be thankful?”

“I don’t have arms and legs, but I can hold my breath underwater and swim. So if you see me swim, don’t make me laugh. I’ll start sinking.” 😀



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AntiGelu April 14, 2011 - 9:36 pm

Trendul nr 1 in romanica: “Many are too busy making a house, but not a home.”
Casatorie, masini, casa si copilul in primii 1-2 ani de la casatorie, el isi vede de prieteni si fotbal, ea iese la fel de des prin cluburi…copilul e crescut de parinti sau de “bona”.

Andreea April 15, 2011 - 4:35 am

Nu stiu care e trendul in Romania, dar Nick nu folosea fraza per se. Era o metafora pentru orice facem 🙂


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